30 August, 2010

It is all about ME!

Meow! Hi my name is Dame Sophie Carnation, though frequently my mom calls me "little shit" for some reason, which is beyond me. As you can see by my picture I am a mix, of Siamese and tabby. I have my girly figure weighing in at 6.01 lbs and about 4 months old. Though I like to be at the center of attention, I share the house with KC, Bustifer, and Nancy my mom. More on KC and Bustifer later, enough said about mom.

This blog is intended to entertain my two-legged friends and be informative for all my 4-legged friends. This does include dogs, but please note the leash law is strongly enforced and I don’t tolerate any drool, it’s disgusting don’t you think? Though the focus will ALWAYS be about me of course, on occasion if there are questions or dare I say thoughts I will respond to them all, in the due course of time.

This week mom is taking me back to the doctor for a minor procedure called “spayed”. I don’t know what that is, but it doesn’t sound pleasant. I hate going to the doctor, who likes it when they are prodded, jabbed and poked? I hear the saccharin sweet voices giving me all sorts of praises and complements then…. WHAM! There is a needle poking me! I get even though, I purr so loudly the doctor can’t hear my heart. Don’t get mad, get even is my motto! OK this is really exhausting work so I need to go and take my afternoon nap. Talk more soon!